11 Cool Things Your Firewall Should Do
Traditional firewalls focus on blocking simple threats that can be detected at the network layer. Next-Generation Firewalls have combined ecurity services such as intrusion prevention, anti-malware, content filtering and even some anti-spam services to enhance the threat protection. Many applications are delivered over the Web, which means that often they come in over the same few ports, rendering the firewalls blind to these applications and unable to prioritize important versus the unimportant traffic. Another critical function that must be present in any Next-Generation Firewall is application awareness and the ability to control these applications. Along with blocking traditional network level threats, malware and intrusion attacks, application intelligence and control are a critical component of security and networking infrastructures.
Inoculate Your Business from Disruption and Disasters Description
Today, external threats like swine flu (H1N1) outbreaks, weather events like severe winter storms, or extreme natural disasters like earthquakes threaten every business with potential disruption or disaster. While pandemics, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis make the headlines, disruptions and disasters can also be triggered by something as simple as a winter storm, power outage, bad traffic due to the closure of main arteries, hardware failure or any other event that keeps your workers from getting to the office or accessing vital business resources.
Securing the Small Business Network
Increasingly, threats to small business networks have become as sophisticated as those attacking the largest enterprise. However, small businesses do not have the IT staff resources or budgets of larger organizations. Modern advances in security technology offer small business network administrators the opportunity to deliver enterprise-class protection within small business budgets.
10 Sneaky Things a Spammer Will Do
Most spammers are just sales people looking for an avenue to sell their products or services. Sending out email is cheap and believe it or not some people do respond to their spam advertisements. It only takes a few people to respond to a spam ad to make it profitable for the spammer—so the game is to reach as many people as possible with the spam message to increase the odds of finding a few respondents. With spammers using the “shotgun” approach to marketing (shoot at everything and you’ll hit something) the increase in spam messages makes sense. Also, to improve their chances, spammers are constantly working to improve their effectiveness at getting past spam filters. Let’s take a look at a few of the tricks that spammers use to improve their odds of reaching their target audience.
Securing the Everywhere Network
Think you can fully protect your business resources with a traditional hardened LAN? Better think again. In today’s business environment, the network is everywhere. Dramatic advances in remote access technology have triggered a mobile revolution. More people are working from more places using more devices than ever before. Potentially, all users are remote and all devices unsafe. Old ways of securing corporate resources have gotten more difficult, expensive and ineffective. You’ve got to think outside the perimeter.
Consolidating SMB Network Security Infrastructure
In today’s economy, small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and their IT organizations need to do more with less. It is the responsibility of IT to optimize limited resources and garner the greatest return on budgets. Enterprises are already reaping the benefits of consolidation, centralizing data centers and embracing virtualization initiatives. SMBs have the opportunity to optimize productivity and minimize total cost of ownership (TCO)—while also maximizing security against Web 2.0-based threats by consolidating multiple security technologies into a single Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution.