Why Pay More.
We have added Merchant Services (Credit Card Processing) to our Services as we found that so many business simply accepted what their bank or financial institution offered them. Guess what folks, banks are in the business to make money – not save you money. And to be even more realistic, banks are simply reselling the service and trying their best to make as much money as they can.
We on the other hand, don’t have to support glamorous buildings, high paid execs, and even higher paid CEO’s to make a profit. So, we can provide you the same service as they can at a much better rate. And since you are not just another number, we can provide you with a tailored system better matched for your credit card transactions. And the best news is that since you don’t have to change banks or accounts, the transition is fast, easy and transparent.
Don’t loose another dime, call us today and give us a chance to show you what we can save you.